Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dear God

I feel like my blog is a child I have abandoned or something. I need to come back to it and nurture it and nurture my desire to write and get my feelings and thoughts out on...well...a blog.

I just re-read my last posting and I guess not much has changed. Well, I take that back. A lot has changed but not a lot that can be shared. Life is so weird. I can't reiterate that enough. It's funny how you think you have some things figured out and then everything you thought and felt goes to hell in a hand basket.

I am quickly realizing that my life is in shambles and I have to get my shit straight. Just a quick overview of the last year:

  • Met some very interesting people that led to some very interesting and unexpected relationships. (sorry, people...can't elaborate more than can read the book one day)
  • Sold my house and moved all belongings into storage
  • My step mom passes away
  • I move home to be with my dad and to save some money--all in hopes of fulfilling the urge and desire for an adventure and life changing experience of living in another country.
  • I move to Spain and encounter the Spanish/Polish/Catalan family whose accents still haunt me.
  • I last 3 weeks...'nough said--you all know the story.
  • I move back to Nashville with all belongings STILL in storage and poor Lily in tow.
Here I am...still have no job, and no fulfillment and my life feels like the hamster on the wheel. I honestly don't know what I would do without friends.

I know for a fact God has a sense of humor and has tested me beyond my wildest dreams...or wildest nightmares is more fitting actually.. Am I asking too much?

Dear God,

I would like a job that spurs my creativity, a man who loves me (and you, God) more than anything else in the world, preferably with an accent (they just do it for me..can't explain it), a house with a large kitchen and windows above the sink, 3 or 4 kids, a vacation at least once a year, a bottle of wine, a good steak every now and then, and a babysitter.

I mean, just between you and me, God, I'd take any of the above. Well, I guess you can't have some of these things without others--they kinda go hand in hand in your book--but whatever.

And please note: I'd even take a boyfriend right now...we can work our way up to husband material. I am perfectly fine with that.

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