Friday, December 19, 2008

18 Days....and 18 Nights

Yes, it is true. Only 18 more days!

That is a very exciting thought, however my anxiety is building about what needs to be done and how long it's going to take. I have to figure out what clothes I "need" and what clothes are not necessary, and what clothes I need now for winter, and what clothes I can get my mom to ship me. I have to move everything out of my dad's house, get it to my mom's, divide it out, etc.

And I want to be able to relax and spend quality time with my family! I just seem to have a lot on my mind right now and want to be able to get all of it accomplished! And I am way over waiting tables.

I am so ready to move out of my dad's. It is VERY difficult to not have lived with your parents (really) since you were 15 and to move back in...regardless of the lack of questioning you receive, or freedom you have. It is just plain hard. It is not "my" house...Oh, I miss my house. It had such a comfort and welcoming feel to it...and it was mine.

I am off to another double shift at work and am SO ready to throw in the towel and get on the road. In the car that I am STILL paying payments on, and that I have not been able to sell. Thank GOD for my step dad Bill who said he would handle it once I leave. That is another stressor in my life!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!

18 days.....18 days.....18 days......

oh, and I promise I will be posting pics soon...


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