Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

I seriously cannot believe that in one month from this very moment I will be on a plane with a one way ticket to Barcelona. My bags are not packed, but I am ready to go. I am REALLY ready to go.

I am ready to be at my mom's cherishing that "home" feel and reverting back to a 6 year old....and her allowing it because I am, and will always be, her baby.

The weekend was actually eventful for once and I am so thankful for friends like Lorri. She dropped everything to drive down here to be with me, and to help me make my dad's birthday something special. He loves her and she loves him. It's cute. It was a perfect solution to the "lack of anything being planned for someone you love, who has lost THEIR love."

Thank you Lorri for being you....driving me absolutely insane at times, but still being able to love you like a sister. haha

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