Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day One

Well, to be perfectly honest, I am completely and utterly overwhelmed!!!! I arrived last night bout 8 PM and Ursula picked me up at the Barcelona airport. She had a sign with my name on it, but we didn't need it at all! We completely recognized each other immediately. We got my luggage and loaded the car and drove the hour back to their home in Girona. Loaded the elevator with my stuff, my mom called, which was soo tough. I almost started crying immediately. I have the weirdest feeling--so out of place and not understood, if that makes sense.

I took a quick shower and then came downstairs and they had some soup for dinner and some red wine, and I met Joan, the father. He is a lot nicer and friendlier than I was anticipating, but does not speak a word of English. So Ursula translated the entire dinner for us both. Then I went to bed and did not wake up until 1:30 today when Ursula was knocking on my door!!!! Lunch was ready and she was letting me know!

The room that I am in is definitely comfortable. very modern and clean, straight lines. Everything is orange, which is a little funny..GO vols! haha--Nice shower and bathtub, all new fixtures, toilets, etc. But the house is a little cold, if you know what I mean...

Oh, and also there are remote controlled blinds through out the house I have a sliding glass door in my room and also a window, and then a smaller window in my bathroom. They all have the blinds on them, which shut out ALL the light. It is so of course I had no idea that it was so late in the day today!! I guess the jetlag caught up with me!

Then I jumped up and had lunch with she and Gloria (who also speaks no English). We had a large salad, fried fish, and mashed potatoes. They obviously eat a larger lunch and smaller dinner here. Over lunch she and Gloria would say things to me and then look at me to see if I understood, which of course I didn't, and then they would start giggling. I literally almost started bawling at the table.

It is SO overwhleming and such an uneasy feeling. Like an uphill battle with no legs. I have cried on and off today and am just trying to stay positive. It is really very hard though...but it is only Day one.

I came up to my room after lunch to unpack and organize and email everyone etc. and the tears just started flowing! I feel like I am being such a baby!!! haha--In time this too shall pass, right???

Dear Lord I hope so. I am not even kidding.

I just met Albert for the first time and gave him the Corduroy doll and book, and he loved it. He mumbles and I can't really understand what he is saying, or trying to say...I am not sure I could even if I could speak Spanish!!! haha--he kissed me on the cheek for it, which was so cute. The he grabbed my hand and led me to his room and got ALL of his toys out and then got excited and grabbed my hand again and gnawed into it...I was like, NO NO NO!!!! Then he grabbed the little race car I gave him as a gift also, and slammed it into my head.

Lovely to meet you, Albert.

Will of course write more tomorrow. They are having some friends over for dinner in honor of me tomorrow night. Should be fun. Can someone come visit this weekend? DEAR LORD.


1 comment:

  1. Aaawwww LA!!!!! Everything will get SO MUCH better i just know it! it's like when you get to college and are overwhelmed and then 2 weeks later you are so happy you never want to go back from wence you came **of course you BETTER come back from wence you came!! Praying for ya :)
