Saturday, January 10, 2009

Night Out!

Okay, so things are getting a little better...I think I will be able to tell a lot within the next week or so about where I stand (aka--whether I am on the next flight out or not..). We went to this restaurant in Girona for dinner..Maria, a 29 year old who speaks a little English but can understand most, and Fine, Joan (the dad's) cousin.

The four of us got tapas and a bottle of red wine and just sat there and talked. Most of it was in Spanish, but then Ursula would stop and say..Oh, sorry! And start translating as I sat there like a bump on a log. You know if you have ever been on a date with someone and not known what to say--and that uncomfortable feeling comes over you..(me, I start getting splotchy) Well, that is what it feels like ALL THE TIME. haha

We ate and then went to a REALLY cool bar in the Jewish quarter, but I can tell you right now...the guys did NOT look Jewish. haha--It was actually set inside this like cave of stone, so the floor, walls, and ceiling were all stone. It was REALLy neat. The bartender was asking us what we wanted to drink, and Ursula asked me if I wanted a mojito..I said sure, and he looked at me and said--sweet, or bitter? I got a BIG smile on my face and said--ENGLISH!!!! He laughed. It was funny.

Then we went to another bar and had another drink, and then came home. It was VERY nice to be out of the house and actually see some of the things I came here to see--people, nightlife, architecture, quaint shops, etc. Maria is trying to learn English and is very sweet, so we are going to meet up next week so that we can do a language exchange. I PRAY that it gets me somewhere. Otherwise, I can't even go into town by myself...I am not even kidding...Rosetta Stone is full of shit. haha

So, Ursula just woke me up because I have no alarm clock and it is already noon! We are leaving in 1 hour for Calella even though the weather is still shit. At least it will be nice to see the water. I took a picture last night at dinner of all of us, and will post later. I don't have time to do it now! And I will take pics of the family tonight at dinner. Joan is teaching me how to make paella today...did I mention he speaks no English??? yeah, should be interesting.

Oh, and I broke down to Ursula last night before we went out. I couldn't help it. We were going into the office to go over something for work, and the tears just started flowing. I said, "I don't know if I can do this.." I just wanted her to know so she would be sensitive in a way to me, and so if I do decide to leave, that it would not be so abrupt. Joan came in accidentally and she explained to him why I was sad, etc. and he said he totally understood (in Spanish) and that he was sent to a family when he was young and it was a very traumatic time in his life...which I thought was a very nice thing to say.

Homesickness is just the WORST feeling. Especially when you can't even talk to anyone.

One day at a time. One day at a time. None of this year B. S., but I can assure everyone that I am doing my VERY best.

love to you all and keep the responses coming....Congrats to Anne and Woodson on lil' Woodson, Jr. (which of course made me start bawling..) haha

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